Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lesson Learned!

 If Only..

Everything in life is connect the dot game. Every decisions and actions is a risk to take. Life really is a ROLLERCOASTER!

 If only I could turn back time…  if only I can undo things, decisions made… everything!

But I got no choice.. I need to find a way to get out and get things done. That is why I want to share this to others.  No matter how excited you are, no matter how you wanted to escape or wanted a better life or career.. PLEASE do think twice or thrice, think from time to time, no matter how busy your day is. Never miss a single detail or sign that can make you think twice for leaving.  Be your own critique, don’t let others influence your decisions.

It started when I wanted a better career outside country hoping for green pasture as they say. I applied as a Nurse here in Saudi Arabia through an agency. I had an interview and the same day got selected by the employer. Right from that minute the agency asked me to leave my passport and PRC ID for visa processing, so I handed it to them. I don’t know if it’s a wise thing to do but I was too excited at that time. After that interview, I had to complete the requirements, since I had no idea about documents needed like DFA stamped documents and other stuff it took me one month to complete it. During the completion of documents, from time to time I went to the office of the agency to check on my application and I met a man asking for his passport back. The man withdrawn his application in the agency but I didn’t have a chance to ask why. Hearing about that, I double checked the website of PEOA to see on the agency has permit to operate (FIRST THING TO DO) and it’s valid, so my doubt was cleared. I don’t know what happened but it took them more than 3 months for me to let me leave Philippines, month of July I applied and November I left the country. A friend of mine said that for application here in Saudi, more than three months of processing is enough to report that agency to PEOA, not sure though, but that was my biggest mistake I didn’t went to PEOA in the Philippines to ask for legal advice for my application (so, whatever situations or even if your far from manila like me, please do go for legal assistance to clarify matters in application especially outside country work).  I waited and waited until November came, three days before the flight the agency called and needed me to go to Manila at an instant. So I went to manila and directly met the agency for the contract signing. They always tell us to read every letter in the contract and understand it, so I did read, understand and signed (must to do read it carefully before signing).  But for me, I applied in an agency but another agency processed my papers , I don’t know what happened. So, I checked again if it’s a PEOA accredited and it was  Also, when signing a contract please do check if its notarized by a lawyer and check also the date of registration (be sure it’s recent, my contract is dated 2010 but it was notarized). I don’t know if that’s ok still I continue my application after everything, paying all the processing fee, completing the  documents and thinking that my flight will be just in 2 days   The next day they had me schedule for a pre-departure orientation. Then the day came, I am here already in Saudi. I was surprise that my contract was not followed. Every single detail in the contract was not followed even the clinic name. My salary and overtime pay was not followed. I read and gave a copy to my employer and still no actions. In fact, the agency faxed an agreement form that they claimed that I signed but it was my first time to see at that form and I noticed that my signature affixed was just a scanned copy of my signature.  I was not surprise to see that with the ways and thinking of the agencies in the Philippines but I was disappointed. I heard that not following the contract is a common practice here. They always find a way to use you and abuse your skills, time, effort , patience and understanding. People here are close minded and will take advantage on you.  So BE CAREFUL, BE CAUTIOUS and BE TOUGH.

If ever something wrong will happen, fight for your right. Do trust our Government, the Philippine Embassy is our voice when we are away from our country. They will help and fixed the problem in any way they can.    Friend of mine took a great strength to submit a complaint against the employer. The process took time. So patience is  essential. Follow the process, don’t make a shortcut, continue your work even if it’s hard, do not give any reason for your employer to file a case against you, fight SMART.  Not every complaint has a successful story, person in dire need will take desperate measures to make her story  a success.  That was my friend did and now lived happily ever after.

I may have made a wrong decison but it’s not the end of my story! I still have one best shot to get things right and I’m ready to fight for my right!

As they say:
“For a person to get what she wants and be where she wants to be, she has to make THE FIRST STEP!”

~Louie Mae Vardeleon