Sunday, June 17, 2012

Around the so called Shangrila of the North ~SAGADA~

This is my favorite place, SAGADA. Even if I've been to some place here in the Philippines, this place is where I felt HOME.  At first I was hesitant to go there because of some reasons. Gladly, I made the right decision: to continue the trip with my friend. It's my first time to visit the place and I was so amazed and mesmerized  with the scenery and how simple life can be.

I don't know what's this but it caught my attention.
When we arrived at Sagada, we saw a busy market day, it's Saturday and it's the only day where different business men and women gather in the small town for them to sell their goods. For us, we eagerly went to the Municipal Building, registered, went to our lodge and  booked our stay for 2 nights and 3 days.  Sagadian (a term which they call the locals of Sagada) welcomed us with warm smile and indeed Filipinos are really hospitable. 

The Best Guide Ever!!
We went for a walk around Central Sagada, had late lunch and went to the SAGGAS Office to book our spelunking for they are highly recommended tour guides in Sagada. We were beginners for spelunking but with brave hearts and strong will, we booked for moderate trek "CAVE CONNECTION". We went back to our room, rest for awhile and then off to an exciting activity.  A guide came passing our lodge, called us, and we were wondering if he's our guide or not because when we registered at their office he was not the guide we talked to and booked our cave connection but we are lucky enough that he was free that time to be our guide; one of the best guide of SAGGAS, Lester. At first, he was quiet but along the way he cracked jokes and in fact, he's not quiet at all (peace hehehe). He was very patient with us, he let us stepped on him for us to be able to survive Cave Connection. I kept on asking him if I can fit into the holes and he told me that cave holes are flexible and he's sure I can surpass even in small holes. He was also very knowledgeable about the history and facts about Sagada not only Sagada, some facts of life too, all our questions were answered. He kept on telling us to work on our butt. It was indeed funny but later on we realized that it's needed for us to be safe. He also told us that getting out of the cave safe and sound is the most important thing for him than getting paid. He was very kind and generous in his own simple ways. Now, I know why SAGGAS are very famous, they have the best, nicest, modest guide ever! We finished our spelunking with his help for almost 4hrs. Thank you kabsat for everything! He's more than a guide for me, his a friend, a brother whom I can always count on!!! KAMPAI!

KING'S CURTAIN, Sumaguing Cave
After hours walking on cold waters and slippery bat dangs, trying to be flexible to fit on cave holes, I was captivated and amazed with all the stalagmites and stalactites formations. I can't resist its beauty as if I was hypnotized. I know for a fact that it took them years to create those wonderful formations and on our part as traveler, we should take good care of it. Make sure it is preserved for our future generation to also see and enjoy the beauty of Sumaguing Cave.  

Cave is the main attraction for SAGADA but WAIT THERE IS MORE!!!!

Pongas Falls known as the Twin Falls
Philippines is known to have the best white sand  beaches but its not all about beach. Don't forget there's more. It was our second day of tour and we didn't missed to visit some of their waterfalls. SAGADA is blessed to have many of it, here are some pictures of the two famous falls. 

We indeed had fun this day, relaxed, unwound and refreshed from all the pressures at our work place,  home, etc. We enjoyed the fresh, cold breeze and had fun fun fun fun. Swam and bathed all the negative vibes. We were refreshed  and renewed!!! 

Bomod-ok Falls known as the Big Falls

Sea of Clouds
On our last day of tour, I didn't regret waking up as early as 4am on empty stomach just to be there before Sunrise. They also made bonfire to keep guides and travelers warm. During my first trip, I wasn't fortunate enough to witness the sun, it was a foggy morning. Instead I saw sea clouds. But still it was great as if I was in heaven stepping on the clouds. Around and below me were clouds, I was surrounded with it. Luckily at my second visit, I saw how beautiful the Kiltepan sunrise, rays of the sun, view of the mountain, trees and terraces; it was Perfect. 

Kiltepan View
I SO LOVE THIS PLACE!!! I'm fascinated with its beauty. I am sure, I will visit Sagada soon as often as I could! I want also to share those things I've learned and saw about this place (one of the reason why I wrote this). I would gladly volunteer myself to help others experience what I felt and show them ways to enjoy my so called second "HOME" ~SAGADA~

Kiltepan Sunrise


               -Louie Mae Vardeleon

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