Friday, June 22, 2012


It was Saturday, I was so bored and I wanted to go for a walk for me to have time for myself, lighten up a bit and be away from work for just a moment. Besides, we all need a break after a stressful, busy work.

It was my first time to stroll around Manila outside big malls. Manila is known to have best malls, commercial centers, park, etc. but I wanted to just wander. So, I decided to go outside air-conditioned room and off for a walk even if it was burning outside.
The Hall of National Museum

The Stairs!
First destination was in National Museum. It’s a huge building as big as a mall or even bigger. I can’t recall how many floors the building has. But, it can’t forget that in one of the floors, there was a big room and it was all about Cordillera culture and I am proud to be one. Our native costumes were there, musical instrument, old kitchen utensils, everything they have it there. Well, I completely forgot I’m in a museum; it’s a must that they should have it all. They also have replica of our rice terraces, similar to that of Batad in Ifugao, the Banawe Rice Terraces, once considered as eight wonders of the world. I learned a lot about the 3 stars and a sun (Philippines). All those things I’ve read during my years of studying, I saw it with my own eyes. As if I visited all the places here in the Philippines in just a few hours. J 
The Arts!

Replica of Banawe Rice Terraces
Our Costumes!

Me around the National Museum!

Luneta Park!

Rizal Monument!
Next Stop, Luneta! It’s just near the museum. In there, I saw a lot of people, families having their picnic, lovers having their date, group of friends having their bonding. We were all having a great time! One more thing, it’s a free park, one proof that money is not a hindrance to achieve happiness. Nothing beats the smile on their faces and their precious time with their love ones even the most precious gems, silver and gold can’t be compared.

Then I continued walking, passing bay walk, Ocean Park, US embassy until I reached PICC at Roxas Boulevard then something made me stopped as if I was frozen. I saw a magnificent, enchanting rainbow in a City. It was my first time to see a rainbow in Manila, at a desert-like weather; it was super hot, burning afternoon then a rainbow will appear out of nowhere. I was amazed. They always say that rainbows only appear after the rain but they're wrong, I found a place where you can see rainbow anytime of the day but on one condition, there should be a bright sun or it should be a sunny day! This rainbow was created with the rays of the sun refracted and reflected on the drops of midst from fountain in front of PICC; it was an inspiring view over the so called Big, Busy City.

Rainbow in the City!

Being around Manila made me realized there’s more to look forward in the City. There are a lot of things you can do at low cost, can you imagine yourself being around Philippines in just a day or less? We should go outside our comfort zone for us to experience simple treasures. We should all LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH, and EXPLORE the TRUE BEAUTY of LIFE that money can’t buy!! ~HAPPINESS~

-      Louie Mae Vardeleon

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